
03 托福口语 吴奇

发布时间: 2020-11-25 04:01:27

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03 托福口语 吴奇 03 托福口语 吴奇 3.7GB

Koolearn Speaking.zip Koolearn Speaking.zip 24.3MB

99 4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-language use.mp4 99 4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-language use.mp4 114.1MB

98 4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-delivery.mp4 98 4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-delivery.mp4 111.1MB

97  4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-misperceptions.mp4 97 4.10 the scoring rubrics-task 3-misperceptions.mp4 23.4MB

96 4.9-TASK3作答方法.mp4 96 4.9-TASK3作答方法.mp4 181.7MB

95 4.8 how to write down the key points.mp4 95 4.8 how to write down the key points.mp4 59.9MB

94 4.7 what are the key points.mp4 94 4.7 what are the key points.mp4 71.3MB

93 4.6 understanding the conversation.mp4 93 4.6 understanding the conversation.mp4 72.3MB

92 4.5 how to write down the key points.mp4 92 4.5 how to write down the key points.mp4 62.8MB

91 4.4 identifying the key points in reading passages.mp4 91 4.4 identifying the key points in reading passages.mp4 68.5MB

90 4.3 understanding the reading passage.mp4 90 4.3 understanding the reading passage.mp4 33.2MB

89 4.2-TASK3能力分析.mp4 89 4.2-TASK3能力分析.mp4 164.8MB

88 4.1-TASK3题型讲解.mp4 88 4.1-TASK3题型讲解.mp4 93.6MB

87 3.15Money Problems.mp4 87 3.15Money Problems.mp4 122.3MB

86 3.14Health-Related Problems.mp4 86 3.14Health-Related Problems.mp4 132.2MB

85 3.13Problems That Friends Can Help.mp4 85 3.13Problems That Friends Can Help.mp4 136.4MB

84 3.12c 高级练习.mp4 84 3.12c 高级练习.mp4 160.3MB

83 3.12b 中级练习.mp4 83 3.12b 中级练习.mp4 123.7MB

82 3.12a 基础练习.mp4 82 3.12a 基础练习.mp4 113.6MB

81 3.12 Change of Plan.mp4 81 3.12 Change of Plan.mp4 55.4MB

80 3.11c 高级练习.mp4 80 3.11c 高级练习.mp4 126.4MB

79 3.11b 中级练习.mp4 79 3.11b 中级练习.mp4 145.7MB

78 3.11a practice foundation.mp4 78 3.11a practice foundation.mp4 220.6MB

77 3.11 introduction to accomodation problem.mp4 77 3.11 introduction to accomodation problem.mp4 38.0MB

76 3.10c practice advanced.mp4 76 3.10c practice advanced.mp4 106.9MB

75 3.10b practice intermediate.mp4 75 3.10b practice intermediate.mp4 326.6MB

74 3.10a practice foundation.mp4 74 3.10a practice foundation.mp4 261.3MB

73 3.10 introduction to scheduling conflict.mp4 73 3.10 introduction to scheduling conflict.mp4 45.4MB

72 3.9c practice advanced.mp4 72 3.9c practice advanced.mp4 279.6MB

71 3.9b practice intermediate.mp4 71 3.9b practice intermediate.mp4 309.6MB



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