
BBC经典英语启蒙动画《玛泽的故事 Big Muzzy (音视频+PDF+单词卡+配套教材) 》


发布时间: 2024-12-20 00:42:21

文件大小: 共计 178 个文件 ,合计: 7.5GB

发布者: 精致花生

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

资源售价: 金币7金币 会员所有资源免费

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以下文件快照生成于3 个月前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

BBC经典英语启蒙动画《玛泽的故事 Big Muzzy (音视频+PDF+单词卡+配套教材) 》 BBC经典英语启蒙动画《玛泽的故事 Big Muzzy (音视频+PDF+单词卡+配套教材) 》 4.1GB

宝妈!不只柴米油盐!.jpg 宝妈!不只柴米油盐!.jpg 506KB

免费的!中小学最新资料入群二维码【速度】.png 免费的!中小学最新资料入群二维码【速度】.png 338KB

04、中文词汇(28集全) 04、中文词汇(28集全) 720.0MB

25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 25 Transportation, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 61.7MB

18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 18 Foods & Drinks, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 46.3MB

12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 12 Household Items & Rooms, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 73.7MB

28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 28 Numbers 100+, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 9.3MB

24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 24 Counting 31 - 100, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 10.5MB

04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 04 School, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 36.7MB

20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 20 Car Parts, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 18.0MB

14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 14 Musical Instruments, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 15.6MB

06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 06 Jobs, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 32.0MB

21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 21 Tools, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 23.0MB

02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 02 Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 24.3MB

05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 05 Numbers 11 to 20, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 9.5MB

27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 27 Pets & Animals, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 48.3MB

26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 26 Nature, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 18.9MB

13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 13 Shapes & Colors, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 11.2MB

07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 14.0MB

22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 22 Directions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 8.8MB

17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 17 Numbers 21 to 30, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 9.8MB

16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 16 Clothing, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 49.4MB

08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 7.3MB

15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 15 Toys and Games, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 19.6MB

10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 10 Sports, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 17.9MB

03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 03 Fruits & Vegetables, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 65.2MB

01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 01 Numbers 1 - 10, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 9.4MB

19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 19 People & Family, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 9.1MB

23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 23 Places Around Town, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 40.5MB

11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 11 Time Morning to Night, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 14.6MB

09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 09 Gardening, Vocabulary Builder.mp4.mp4 15.4MB

01、英文版(12集全) 01、英文版(12集全) 2.0GB

07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 07_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 170.3MB

12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 12_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 190.3MB

06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 06_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 214.0MB

02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 02_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 117.8MB

09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 09_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 204.5MB

04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 04_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 57.5MB

08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 08_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 141.8MB

10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 10_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 170.1MB

03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 03_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 371.6MB

01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 01_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 129.6MB

05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 05_Muzzy_in_Gondoland.mp4 71.3MB

11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 11_Muzzy_Comes_Back.mp4 193.1MB

06、PDF动画配套教材可打印 06、PDF动画配套教材可打印 6.6MB

Big Muzzy(英文版)07-12集 配套教材.pdf Big Muzzy(英文版)07-12集 配套教材.pdf 3.4MB

Big Muzzy(英文版)01-06集 配套教材.pdf Big Muzzy(英文版)01-06集 配套教材.pdf 3.1MB

07、单词图卡可打印 07、单词图卡可打印 127.4MB

02_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 02_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 3.6MB

04_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 04_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 1.2MB

12_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 12_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 2.2MB

07_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 07_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 4.9MB

01_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 01_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 12.4MB

09_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 09_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 12.9MB

10_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 10_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 40.1MB

05_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 05_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 9.0MB

06_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 06_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 1.7MB

08_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 08_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 30.0MB

03_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 03_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 5.5MB

11_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 11_Big Muzzy单词图卡.doc 4.0MB

08、互动游戏(电脑版) 08、互动游戏(电脑版) 301.9MB

15套互动游戏.rar 15套互动游戏.rar 301.9MB

09、老版big muzzy 09、老版big muzzy 959.9MB

旧版标清-英文字幕.rar 旧版标清-英文字幕.rar 959.9MB

02、英文词汇(28集全) 02、英文词汇(28集全) 21.3MB

07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4 07 Parts of the Body, Vocabulary Builder.mp4 14.1MB

08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4 08 Positions, Vocabulary Builder.mp4 7.2MB



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