
C12 愿望精灵小姐妹Shimmer and Shine


发布时间: 2025-01-18 23:39:26

文件大小: 共计 80 个文件 ,合计: 20.5GB

发布者: 爱分的茶mmdacha

资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

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以下文件快照生成于2 个月前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

C12 愿望精灵小姐妹Shimmer and Shine C12 愿望精灵小姐妹Shimmer and Shine 20.1GB

视频 视频 19.7GB

第1季 第1季 8.4GB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E10_Abraca-Genie.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E10_Abraca-Genie.mp4 387.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E03_The Sweetest Thing.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E03_The Sweetest Thing.mp4 411.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E16_Gone Bowlin'.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E16_Gone Bowlin'.mp4 439.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E20_Happy Wishaversary.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E20_Happy Wishaversary.mp4 382.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E13_A Very Genie Halloweenie.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E13_A Very Genie Halloweenie.mp4 416.8MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E11_Santa's Little Genies.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E11_Santa's Little Genies.mp4 437.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E01_Shimmer and Shine_ The First Wish (Part 1).mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E01_Shimmer and Shine_ The First Wish (Part 1).mp4 481.9MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E05_Genie Treehouse.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E05_Genie Treehouse.mp4 468.2MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E14_Sleep-Over Party.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E14_Sleep-Over Party.mp4 459.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E09_Backyard Ballet.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E09_Backyard Ballet.mp4 423.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E17_The Great Skate Mistake.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E17_The Great Skate Mistake.mp4 437.2MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E06_What a Pig Mess.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E06_What a Pig Mess.mp4 433.1MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E07_Ahoy, Genies!.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E07_Ahoy, Genies!.mp4 441.9MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E02_Shimmer and Shine_ The First Wish (Part 2).mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E02_Shimmer and Shine_ The First Wish (Part 2).mp4 400.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E08_Lights! Camera! Genies!.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E08_Lights! Camera! Genies!.mp4 448.8MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E04_Dino Might!.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E04_Dino Might!.mp4 433.2MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E12_Spaceship Wrecked.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E12_Spaceship Wrecked.mp4 436.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E18_Dream Dollhouse.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E18_Dream Dollhouse.mp4 438.9MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E19_Escape Goat.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E19_Escape Goat.mp4 414.1MB

Shimmer and Shine_S01E15_Game On.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S01E15_Game On.mp4 397.6MB

第2季 第2季 11.3GB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E15_Masquerade Charade_The Silent Treatment.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E15_Masquerade Charade_The Silent Treatment.mp4 554.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E04_Mermaid Mayhem_Snow Place We'd Rather Be.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E04_Mermaid Mayhem_Snow Place We'd Rather Be.mp4 684.8MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E13_The Crystal Queen_The Glob.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E13_The Crystal Queen_The Glob.mp4 608.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E06_Lost and Found_Freeze-amay Falls.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E06_Lost and Found_Freeze-amay Falls.mp4 571.9MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E19_Bungle in the Jungle_The Mysterious Tower.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E19_Bungle in the Jungle_The Mysterious Tower.mp4 489.8MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E18_Trick or Treasure_Easy As Pie.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E18_Trick or Treasure_Easy As Pie.mp4 603.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E01_Welcome to Zahramay Falls.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E01_Welcome to Zahramay Falls.mp4 580.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E03_A Tree-mendous Rescue_Flying Flour.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E03_A Tree-mendous Rescue_Flying Flour.mp4 502.9MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E07_Bling, Bling_Staffinated.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E07_Bling, Bling_Staffinated.mp4 596.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E11_Volcano Drain-o_Cleanie Genies.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E11_Volcano Drain-o_Cleanie Genies.mp4 855.8MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E09_Double Trouble_Zany Ziffilon.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E09_Double Trouble_Zany Ziffilon.mp4 598.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E16_Frosty Fun_Zeta in Training.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E16_Frosty Fun_Zeta in Training.mp4 548.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E17_Potion Control_Feel Better.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E17_Potion Control_Feel Better.mp4 537.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E08_Dragon Pox_Lightning in a Bottle.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E08_Dragon Pox_Lightning in a Bottle.mp4 573.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E10_Size of the Beholder_Zoomicorn Toss.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E10_Size of the Beholder_Zoomicorn Toss.mp4 437.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E20_The Pirate Genie.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E20_The Pirate Genie.mp4 596.4MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E05_Starry Night Sleepover_Wild Carpet Chase.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E05_Starry Night Sleepover_Wild Carpet Chase.mp4 579.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E02_All Bottled Up_Zoom Zahramay.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E02_All Bottled Up_Zoom Zahramay.mp4 651.5MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E12_Now You See Her_Untamed Talent.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E12_Now You See Her_Untamed Talent.mp4 489.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E14_Pet Bedroom_Boom Zahra-Mom.mp4 Shimmer and Shine_S02E14_Pet Bedroom_Boom Zahra-Mom.mp4 526.6MB

音频 音频 413.0MB

第2季 第2季 413.0MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E15_Masquerade Charade_The Silent Treatment.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E15_Masquerade Charade_The Silent Treatment.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E09_Double Trouble_Zany Ziffilon.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E09_Double Trouble_Zany Ziffilon.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E13_The Crystal Queen_The Glob.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E13_The Crystal Queen_The Glob.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E08_Dragon Pox_Lightning in a Bottle.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E08_Dragon Pox_Lightning in a Bottle.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E01_Welcome to Zahramay Falls.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E01_Welcome to Zahramay Falls.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E03_A Tree-mendous Rescue_Flying Flour.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E03_A Tree-mendous Rescue_Flying Flour.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E02_All Bottled Up_Zoom Zahramay.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E02_All Bottled Up_Zoom Zahramay.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E14_Pet Bedroom_Boom Zahra-Mom.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E14_Pet Bedroom_Boom Zahra-Mom.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E04_Mermaid Mayhem_Snow Place We'd Rather Be.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E04_Mermaid Mayhem_Snow Place We'd Rather Be.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E10_Size of the Beholder_Zoomicorn Toss.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E10_Size of the Beholder_Zoomicorn Toss.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E05_Starry Night Sleepover_Wild Carpet Chase.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E05_Starry Night Sleepover_Wild Carpet Chase.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E19_Bungle in the Jungle_The Mysterious Tower.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E19_Bungle in the Jungle_The Mysterious Tower.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E17_Potion Control_Feel Better.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E17_Potion Control_Feel Better.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E16_Frosty Fun_Zeta in Training.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E16_Frosty Fun_Zeta in Training.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E12_Now You See Her_Untamed Talent.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E12_Now You See Her_Untamed Talent.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E18_Trick or Treasure_Easy As Pie.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E18_Trick or Treasure_Easy As Pie.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E06_Lost and Found_Freeze-amay Falls.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E06_Lost and Found_Freeze-amay Falls.mp3 20.6MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E07_Bling, Bling_Staffinated.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E07_Bling, Bling_Staffinated.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E11_Volcano Drain-o_Cleanie Genies.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E11_Volcano Drain-o_Cleanie Genies.mp3 20.7MB

Shimmer and Shine_S02E20_The Pirate Genie.mp3 Shimmer and Shine_S02E20_The Pirate Genie.mp3 20.6MB



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