


发布时间: 2024-10-24 20:23:58

文件大小: 共计 99 个文件 ,合计: 13.7GB

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资源来源: 夸克网盘夸克网盘

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以下文件快照生成于2 小时前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

2-100个经典绘本的动画 2-100个经典绘本的动画 9.4GB

英文绘本动画36-70 英文绘本动画36-70 5.4GB

S49 The Little Match Girl.mp4 S49 The Little Match Girl.mp4 363.6MB

S67 The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon.mp4 S67 The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon.mp4 112.1MB

S40 The Three Little Pigs.mp4 S40 The Three Little Pigs.mp4 158.1MB

S42 Hansel and Gretel.mp4 S42 Hansel and Gretel.mp4 209.8MB

S53 Giving Thanks-Anative American Good Morning Message.mp4 S53 Giving Thanks-Anative American Good Morning Message.mp4 95.4MB

S51 He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.mp4 S51 He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.mp4 82.7MB

S41 .mp4 S41 .mp4 168.1MB

S44 Space Case.mp4 S44 Space Case.mp4 181.5MB

S58 Antarctic Antics.mp4 S58 Antarctic Antics.mp4 259.0MB

S54 Owl Moon.mp4 S54 Owl Moon.mp4 107.7MB

S45 The Ugly Duckling.mp4 S45 The Ugly Duckling.mp4 252.1MB

S66 The Librarian from the Black Lagoon.mp4 S66 The Librarian from the Black Lagoon.mp4 124.9MB

S55 The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks.mp4 S55 The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks.mp4 209.7MB

S48 The Red Shoes.mp4 S48 The Red Shoes.mp4 376.3MB

S50 The Swineherd.mp4 S50 The Swineherd.mp4 182.6MB

S64 The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge.mp4 S64 The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge.mp4 160.9MB

S60 Bear Snores On.mp4 S60 Bear Snores On.mp4 111.5MB

S39 Red Riding Hood.mp4 S39 Red Riding Hood.mp4 108.5MB

S38 Reading to Your Bunny.mp4 S38 Reading to Your Bunny.mp4 139.4MB

S70 Miss Nelson is Back.mp4 S70 Miss Nelson is Back.mp4 161.1MB

S61 Bark, George.mp4 S61 Bark, George.mp4 72.4MB

S68 Shrinking Violin.mp4 S68 Shrinking Violin.mp4 236.1MB

S47 The Emperor's New Clothes.mp4 S47 The Emperor's New Clothes.mp4 124.9MB

S65 The Teacher from the Black Lagoon.mp4 S65 The Teacher from the Black Lagoon.mp4 108.1MB

S63 The Hat.mp4 S63 The Hat.mp4 84.9MB

S43 Gildilocks and the Three Bears.mp4 S43 Gildilocks and the Three Bears.mp4 102.0MB

S59 In the Small, Small Pond.mp4 S59 In the Small, Small Pond.mp4 78.5MB

S62 Caps for Sale.mp4 S62 Caps for Sale.mp4 85.6MB

S36 Noisy Nora.mp4 S36 Noisy Nora.mp4 85.9MB

S56 Patrick.mp4 S56 Patrick.mp4 91.4MB

S46 Nightingale.mp4 S46 Nightingale.mp4 351.1MB

S57 A Boy, a Dog and a Frog.mp4 S57 A Boy, a Dog and a Frog.mp4 129.5MB

S52 Come On, Rain.mp4 S52 Come On, Rain.mp4 92.8MB

S37 The Little Red Hen.mp4 S37 The Little Red Hen.mp4 98.9MB

S69 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day.mp4 S69 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day.mp4 174.5MB

英文绘本动画71-100 英文绘本动画71-100 4.0GB

S93_Georgie.mp4 S93_Georgie.mp4 95.3MB

S79_So_You_Want_t_o_be__President.mp4 S79_So_You_Want_t_o_be__President.mp4 371.2MB

S88_Morris__s_Disappearing_Bag.mp4 S88_Morris__s_Disappearing_Bag.mp4 93.2MB

S99_Stanley_and_the_Dinosaurs.mp4 S99_Stanley_and_the_Dinosaurs.mp4 218.2MB

S75_How_do_Dinosaurs_Go_to_School.mp4 S75_How_do_Dinosaurs_Go_to_School.mp4 113.3MB

S81_Madam_President.mp4 S81_Madam_President.mp4 127.4MB

S85_In_the_Month_of_Kislev.mp4 S85_In_the_Month_of_Kislev.mp4 117.3MB

S83_The_Night_Before_Christmas.mp4 S83_The_Night_Before_Christmas.mp4 68.3MB

S84_Seven_Candies_for_Kwanzaa.mp4 S84_Seven_Candies_for_Kwanzaa.mp4 129.1MB

S73 Amazing Grace.mp4 S73 Amazing Grace.mp4 116.1MB

S94_The_Witch_in_the_Cherry_Tree.mp4 S94_The_Witch_in_the_Cherry_Tree.mp4 147.5MB

S98_Ralph_S._Mouse.mp4 S98_Ralph_S._Mouse.mp4 575.9MB

S95_The_Three_Robbers.mp4 S95_The_Three_Robbers.mp4 77.7MB

S87_Max__s_Christmas.mp4 S87_Max__s_Christmas.mp4 64.5MB

S97_Little_Tim_and_the_Brave_Sea_Captain.mp4 S97_Little_Tim_and_the_Brave_Sea_Captain.mp4 146.6MB

S92_By_the_Light_of_the_Halloween_Moon.mp4 S92_By_the_Light_of_the_Halloween_Moon.mp4 85.4MB

S74_Crazy_Hair_Day.mp4 S74_Crazy_Hair_Day.mp4 151.6MB

S72 The Dot.mp4 S72 The Dot.mp4 83.0MB

S78_Will_I_have_a_Friend.mp4 S78_Will_I_have_a_Friend.mp4 105.9MB

S80_My_Senator_and_Me-A_Dog__s-Eye_View_of_Washington_D.C..mp4 S80_My_Senator_and_Me-A_Dog__s-Eye_View_of_Washington_D.C..mp4 312.4MB

S100_Uncle_Elephant.mp4 S100_Uncle_Elephant.mp4 358.2MB

S77_Monty.mp4 S77_Monty.mp4 96.8MB

S96_The_Three_Long-Legged_Cat.mp4 S96_The_Three_Long-Legged_Cat.mp4 144.2MB

S90_A_Very_Brave_Witch.mp4 S90_A_Very_Brave_Witch.mp4 87.8MB

S82_I_Could_Do_that-Esther_Morris_Gets_Women_the_Vote.mp4 S82_I_Could_Do_that-Esther_Morris_Gets_Women_the_Vote.mp4 228.5MB



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