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海尼曼分级阅读 海尼曼分级阅读 369.4MB

fe91e8ba80bc946a3186f92e34499304.jpg fe91e8ba80bc946a3186f92e34499304.jpg 527KB

Heinemann LLI Levelled Book List.xls Heinemann LLI Levelled Book List.xls 70KB

literature-pdf-fountas-pinnell-12prim86-lli-brocure.pdf literature-pdf-fountas-pinnell-12prim86-lli-brocure.pdf 1.8MB

海尼曼 G2 PDF 有声点读版106本 海尼曼 G2 PDF 有声点读版106本 366.9MB

J G2-73 The problem with Meli.pdf J G2-73 The problem with Meli.pdf 7.0MB

I G2-68 The singing duck.pdf I G2-68 The singing duck.pdf 6.8MB

C G2-11 Tug-of-war.pdf C G2-11 Tug-of-war.pdf 4.4MB

J G2-77 Elephant and tiger.pdf J G2-77 Elephant and tiger.pdf 7.6MB

E G2-31 The trip.pdf E G2-31 The trip.pdf 5.6MB

G G2-51 The perfect picnic.pdf G G2-51 The perfect picnic.pdf 5.9MB

G G2-53 The new roof.pdf G G2-53 The new roof.pdf 6.4MB

I G2-71 Cranes.pdf I G2-71 Cranes.pdf 6.0MB

k G2-87 puddle play.pdf k G2-87 puddle play.pdf 7.5MB

B G2-2 the tide pool.pdf B G2-2 the tide pool.pdf 4.3MB

J G2-78 Hide and seek.pdf J G2-78 Hide and seek.pdf 7.1MB

N G2-104 All about volcanoes.pdf N G2-104 All about volcanoes.pdf 9.9MB

B G2-4 Going to school.pdf B G2-4 Going to school.pdf 4.2MB

C G2-09 All about penguins.pdf C G2-09 All about penguins.pdf 5.1MB

B G2-5 at the fair.pdf B G2-5 at the fair.pdf 4.3MB

B G2-1 thing that fly.pdf B G2-1 thing that fly.pdf 4.0MB

k G2-83 the fun club goes to the aquarium.pdf k G2-83 the fun club goes to the aquarium.pdf 11.0MB

L G2-89 From milk to ice cream.pdf L G2-89 From milk to ice cream.pdf 8.0MB

D G2-21 A surprise for roxy.pdf D G2-21 A surprise for roxy.pdf 4.5MB

H G2-63 The boss.pdf H G2-63 The boss.pdf 5.9MB

M G2-100 Venus the flytrap who wouldn't eat flies.pdf M G2-100 Venus the flytrap who wouldn't eat flies.pdf 8.9MB

L G2-92 A surprise for the big bad wolf.pdf L G2-92 A surprise for the big bad wolf.pdf 8.4MB

H G2-59 Footprints.pdf H G2-59 Footprints.pdf 6.2MB

C G2-14 Fishing.pdf C G2-14 Fishing.pdf 4.5MB

J G2-75 All about the sonoran desert.pdf J G2-75 All about the sonoran desert.pdf 8.2MB

I G2-64 Road builders.pdf I G2-64 Road builders.pdf 6.0MB

D G2-22 Night workers.pdf D G2-22 Night workers.pdf 4.7MB

k G2-88 the scream.pdf k G2-88 the scream.pdf 7.9MB

G G2-54 Kim's new shoes.pdf G G2-54 Kim's new shoes.pdf 6.6MB

B G2-6 the ants.pdf B G2-6 the ants.pdf 4.5MB

D G2-24 Billy's pen.pdf D G2-24 Billy's pen.pdf 6.1MB

E G2-32 Pig's new house.pdf E G2-32 Pig's new house.pdf 5.9MB

E G2-30 Little bat.pdf E G2-30 Little bat.pdf 5.0MB

N G2-103 All about astronauts.pdf N G2-103 All about astronauts.pdf 10.0MB

D G2-25 The red pajamas.pdf D G2-25 The red pajamas.pdf 10.5MB

E G2-35 The broken clock.pdf E G2-35 The broken clock.pdf 5.5MB

J G2-80 The ladybug and the cricket.pdf J G2-80 The ladybug and the cricket.pdf 6.7MB

D G2-19 The drip.pdf D G2-19 The drip.pdf 4.8MB

I G2-70 All about redwood trees.pdf I G2-70 All about redwood trees.pdf 6.8MB

L G2-94 Too many teeth.pdf L G2-94 Too many teeth.pdf 7.3MB

G G2-46 Meli at school.pdf G G2-46 Meli at school.pdf 6.4MB

k G2-85 march to the park.pdf k G2-85 march to the park.pdf 7.5MB

M G2-101 A dragon's lullaby.pdf M G2-101 A dragon's lullaby.pdf 9.2MB

N G2-102 The hot day.pdf N G2-102 The hot day.pdf 8.6MB

C G2-07 The sea.pdf C G2-07 The sea.pdf 4.7MB

E G2-34 Ants on a log.pdf E G2-34 Ants on a log.pdf 5.8MB

G G2-52 A party for panda.pdf G G2-52 A party for panda.pdf 5.0MB

F G2-44 Little wolf's new home.pdf F G2-44 Little wolf's new home.pdf 5.8MB

F G2-45 All about bugs.pdf F G2-45 All about bugs.pdf 5.3MB

L G2-96 The pirates.pdf L G2-96 The pirates.pdf 8.1MB

L G2-97 Animals with wings.pdf L G2-97 Animals with wings.pdf 7.2MB

E G2-29 Meli at the vet.pdf E G2-29 Meli at the vet.pdf 4.9MB

C G2-10 Big Lizard,little Lizard.pdf C G2-10 Big Lizard,little Lizard.pdf 5.5MB

J G2-79 Into the sea.pdf J G2-79 Into the sea.pdf 5.6MB

C G2-13 In my room.pdf C G2-13 In my room.pdf 4.6MB

H G2-61 Wide awake!.pdf H G2-61 Wide awake!.pdf 6.4MB

H G2-57 The fun club goes to a dairy farm.pdf H G2-57 The fun club goes to a dairy farm.pdf 6.5MB



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