


发布时间: 2024-12-12 12:17:31

文件大小: 共计 210 个文件 ,合计: 878.0MB


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以下文件快照生成于3 个月前。(只展示部分的文件和文件夹)

全部文件 全部文件 537.7MB

跟小小孩说英文视频 跟小小孩说英文视频 355.6MB

Playing Outdoors.avi Playing Outdoors.avi 66.1MB

Playing Indoors.avi Playing Indoors.avi 56.8MB

Good Manners.avi Good Manners.avi 60.4MB

Food.avi Food.avi 54.1MB

Education.avi Education.avi 49.0MB

Clothes,Transportation,Getting Sick.avi Clothes,Transportation,Getting Sick.avi 69.2MB

跟小小孩说英文电子书 跟小小孩说英文电子书 73.6MB

talk.to.your.child.in.English3.pdf talk.to.your.child.in.English3.pdf 23.9MB

talk.to.your.child.in.English2.pdf talk.to.your.child.in.English2.pdf 28.9MB

talk.to.your.child.in.English1.pdf talk.to.your.child.in.English1.pdf 20.7MB

跟小小孩说英文分集视频 跟小小孩说英文分集视频 108.5MB

跟小小孩说英文6-mp4视频 跟小小孩说英文6-mp4视频 60.5MB

6-9 In the Park.mp4 6-9 In the Park.mp4 2.1MB

6-8 Learning to Skate2.mp4 6-8 Learning to Skate2.mp4 1.7MB

6-7 Learning to Skate1.mp4 6-7 Learning to Skate1.mp4 2.1MB

6-6 Going Skating.mp4 6-6 Going Skating.mp4 1.9MB

6-5 Jumping Rope.mp4 6-5 Jumping Rope.mp4 2.0MB

6-4 Giving Awards.mp4 6-4 Giving Awards.mp4 1.6MB

6-3 It's a Tie.mp4 6-3 It's a Tie.mp4 1.9MB

6-29 Roller Coaster.mp4 6-29 Roller Coaster.mp4 2.5MB

6-28 The Ferris Wheel.mp4 6-28 The Ferris Wheel.mp4 2.3MB

6-27 At the Zoo2.mp4 6-27 At the Zoo2.mp4 2.4MB

6-26 At the Zoo1.mp4 6-26 At the Zoo1.mp4 2.1MB

6-25 I'll Get You.mp4 6-25 I'll Get You.mp4 1.9MB

6-24 Going Swimming.mp4 6-24 Going Swimming.mp4 2.1MB

6-23 Going to the Beach.mp4 6-23 Going to the Beach.mp4 2.3MB

6-22 Learning to Swim2.mp4 6-22 Learning to Swim2.mp4 1.9MB

6-21 Learning to Swim1.mp4 6-21 Learning to Swim1.mp4 1.6MB

6-20 Going for a Dip.mp4 6-20 Going for a Dip.mp4 2.3MB

6-20 Going for a Dip(1).mp4 6-20 Going for a Dip(1).mp4 2.3MB

6-2 Riding a Tricycle.mp4 6-2 Riding a Tricycle.mp4 1.9MB

6-19 In the Bookstore2.mp4 6-19 In the Bookstore2.mp4 2.0MB

6-18 In the Bookstore1.mp4 6-18 In the Bookstore1.mp4 2.0MB

6-17 Let's Go Home.mp4 6-17 Let's Go Home.mp4 1.6MB

6-16 Where is the Bathroom.mp4 6-16 Where is the Bathroom.mp4 1.9MB

6-15 That was Close!.mp4 6-15 That was Close!.mp4 1.7MB

6-14 Playing on the Jungle Gym.mp4 6-14 Playing on the Jungle Gym.mp4 1.9MB

6-14 Playing on the Jungle Gym(1).mp4 6-14 Playing on the Jungle Gym(1).mp4 1.9MB

6-13 On the See-Saw.mp4 6-13 On the See-Saw.mp4 2.3MB

6-12 On the Swing.mp4 6-12 On the Swing.mp4 1.4MB

6-11 On the Slide.mp4 6-11 On the Slide.mp4 1.3MB

6-10 Walking in the Park.mp4 6-10 Walking in the Park.mp4 1.8MB

6-1 Blowing Bubbles.mp4 6-1 Blowing Bubbles.mp4 2.0MB

跟小小孩说英文5-mp4视频 跟小小孩说英文5-mp4视频 48.0MB

5-9 Playing Ball.mp4 5-9 Playing Ball.mp4 2.3MB

5-9 Playing Ball(1).mp4 5-9 Playing Ball(1).mp4 2.3MB

5-8 Playing Catch.mp4 5-8 Playing Catch.mp4 1.6MB

5-8 Playing Catch(1).mp4 5-8 Playing Catch(1).mp4 1.6MB

5-7 You Found the Ball .mp4 5-7 You Found the Ball .mp4 2.0MB

5-7 You Found the Ball (1).mp4 5-7 You Found the Ball (1).mp4 2.0MB

5-6 Making a Paper Airplane.mp4 5-6 Making a Paper Airplane.mp4 1.9MB

5-6 Making a Paper Airplane(1).mp4 5-6 Making a Paper Airplane(1).mp4 1.9MB

5-5 Let's Play Tic-Tac-Toe.mp4 5-5 Let's Play Tic-Tac-Toe.mp4 2.4MB

5-5 Let's Play Tic-Tac-Toe(1).mp4 5-5 Let's Play Tic-Tac-Toe(1).mp4 2.4MB

5-4 Let's Jump.mp4 5-4 Let's Jump.mp4 1.8MB

5-4 Let's Jump(1).mp4 5-4 Let's Jump(1).mp4 1.8MB

5-3 Let's Dance.mp4 5-3 Let's Dance.mp4 2.4MB

5-3 Let's Dance(1).mp4 5-3 Let's Dance(1).mp4 2.4MB

5-23 Listening to stories.mp4 5-23 Listening to stories.mp4 5.9MB

5-23 Listening to stories(1).mp4 5-23 Listening to stories(1).mp4 5.9MB

5-22 Watch your sister for a minute.mp4 5-22 Watch your sister for a minute.mp4 2.0MB

5-22 Watch your sister for a minute(1).mp4 5-22 Watch your sister for a minute(1).mp4 2.0MB

5-21 What do you want to do.mp4 5-21 What do you want to do.mp4 1.8MB

5-21 What do you want to do(1).mp4 5-21 What do you want to do(1).mp4 1.8MB



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